
Manuka Leptospermum

Leptospermum ' Keatleyii' 2m*1m
Manuka with enormous single pink flowers in last winter.Tolerant of most conditions.Can be clipped.Spray annually for scale

Leptospermum ' Wiri Kerry' 70cm*50cm SUN / FROST / TOLERANT
Smaller growing manuka with double red flowers and dark red foliage. Flowers in mid winter through spring .Easy to grow. Trim after flowering.
Evergreen.Vibrant/ˈvaɪbrənt/满生机的;生气勃勃的;精力充沛的 鲜艳的;醒目的 double red flowers are borne/bɔːn/(Carried or transported by) in profusion on slender/ˈslendə(r)/ 苗条的;纤细的 stems/stem/花草的)茎;(花或叶的)梗,柄.A good compact form with reddish bronze/brɒnz/红褐色;青铜色 foliage.

Professional advice: Manukas are extremely easy to grow provided they are situated in full sun. They thrive/θraɪv/ 兴旺发达;繁荣;蓬勃发展;旺盛;茁壮成长in most soil types and withstand strong winds. An annual light trimming after flowering will encourage growth of following season's flowering wood.

