
玫瑰 都柏林湾 rose climbing 'dublin bay'

bright, fragrant, double,deep red blooms.明亮,芬芳,红色的花朵
vigorous/ˈvɪɡərəs/ , repeat flowering climber.充满活力,重复开花的攀岩者。
good disease/dɪˈziːz/病;疾 resistance/rɪˈzɪstəns/反对;抵制;抗拒,阻力;抵抗力 .良好的抗病能力。
on a healthy plant. very free flowering. 3m

Care: Prune hard in winter, removing old and damaged wood. Shorten the stems to a healthy bud to promote /prəˈməʊt/ 促进,推动,提升,提倡,增进,促,推,有助于 strong growth. Lightly prune after each flush of flowering. Keep well watered in dry weather but avoid wetting the foliage. Fertilise with a complete fertiliser in early spring.

