'Ruby Shepherd'
Description: A very popular, small, South Africa shrub with small leaves. In winter, masses of purple-red flowers smother the plant.
Uses: Ideal for borders and mass planting, to provide dramatic winter colour.
Position:Prefer a sunny to partly shaded position in well drained ,acidic soil .Tolerates sandy soils.
Care: Water after planting until established. Mulch well. Light pruning after flowering will enhance plant shape. Do not apply time.
Planting: Cultivate soil before planting. Dig hole twice the width of the container. Remove plant from container and plant into the hole so the soil level is the same as the surrounding ground.
黑药欧石楠(学名:Erica melanthera)是杜鹃花科欧石楠属的常绿灌木类植物,植株矮小,叶子幼细,生长缓慢,适于花坛花境,岩石园栽培,也适于盆栽观赏。可制花茶,其花蜜亦具备药效价值。以欧石楠吸引蜜蜂采得的蜂蜜,营养价值很高。将欧石楠的原液成分添加入护肤品当中,可以有效的舒缓敏感型皮肤,欧石楠提取出来的精油,在护肤品界是相当珍贵的修复美容佳品。
为常绿灌木类植物,株高60-90 cm。多分枝、针状树叶幼细光滑,常4枚轮生。钟形花,花小多数,成顶生复伞房花序,成聚伞状;花蕊黑色,花有粉红和白色之分。萼筒杯钟状,常下垂,有短 萼片4;花开时窄叶形成3个苞片状覆瓦折住萼片。雄蕊较少;果实为2-5室小梨果,微肉质,成熟时裂开,种子直立,花期春季
扦插繁殖。在1-3月开始培植,6-7月将切条移到直径5-8 厘米且装满黏土的盆中。11月至下一年的3月,再将切条移到直径11 厘米的盆中。在培植的第1-2年的冬季,欧石楠植物应在3摄氏度的温室中储藏。在接下来的春季,当天气变暖,欧石楠属植物进入发育期,这时准备将其放入户 外。